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331 lines
Revised 2/15/85
The PC-TALK version B has macro capabilities which give it a lot more
power than the original version. Jim Gainsley has made a quite drastic
improvement in the program and to understand this doc file fully, you
should have already read PC-TALKB.DOC and particularly the section
regarding macros. When reading the file, pay particular attention to
the different type of macros available. Jim has just added a type 5
macro which eliminates most of the manual pacing which was required in
PC-TalkA level 841130.
Among some of PC-TalkB's macro features are:
The ability to wait for a character and send a string of characters,
i.e. wait for ! and send a GO PCS-131. Note that PC-TalkB can only wait
for one character, and not a string of characters. Thus when choosing a
character to key off of, it is very important to choose the right one.
Timed Pacing:
While executing macros, it is possible to have the macro pause in
places in which CIS has pauses, e.g. Request Recorded, One Moment
Please. Timed pacing is necessary with PC-TalkB because CIS
frequently cannot accept the transmission when PCTB is sending it.
If you do not have the pacing down correctly, you may experience
transmission errors. PC-TalkB will then give the message,
"***MACRO TERMINATED***" message.
Execute PC-TALK Commands:
Commands such as open a capture file, call an alternate key input
file, and clear the screen may be programmed into a macro. This is
an extremely nice offering as it is now possible to capture a file
without specifying a name. This is done via an Alt key file and
will be explained in a sample macro below. In this release of PC-
TALK, he has also added a PC-TALK.ALT file which if present is
loaded as a default alt key file. You no longer have to interrupt
your macro to specify an alt key filename.
Lastly, you can write macros which can execute a series of commands
including accepting variable input fields. With this much power, it is
almost possible to do a unattended download. Only thing which prevents
it from being unattended is the fact that you cannot execute a macro at
a particular time of day.
The following are some of my macros which I use for the IBM sig:
PLEASE NOTE: Any references to asciixx (where "xx" is a two digit
number) requires that you must enter the ascii value inside of your PCTA
macro by holding the alt key down and entering the "xx" value via the
numeric keypad. If you have ProKey, then you must hold down the Alt
*and* Left Shift key. After entering the number, effect is given upon
release of the key(s).
1001|2O~^C|2:70000,0000}|2:pass*word}|2S^PG PCS131}
This first macro simply logs me onto the sig. 1001 is a type 1 macro
which simply dials directory number 1. It just so happens that CIS is
the first entry in my PCTB directory.
The |20~^C portion of the macro, a #2 macro, waits for a 0 in CONNECT
1200. The tilde informs PC-TalkB to wait 3 seconds before sending a
control C. Notice that for illustrative purposes, control C has been
pictured as ^C. The ^ means the Control key. You should actually hold
the control key down and press C once.
NOTE: This option may not work unless you set the X1 parameter in the
PC-TalkB Default file under "Modem Init". (Alt-F in terminal mode.) To
do this, simply type ATX1. (Sorry, only Hayes compatible modems may use
the AT command.) This allows you to see the message CONNECT 1200 rather
than just CONNECT. If you can't get this portion to work, try waiting
for the "T" in CONNECT instead, e.g. |2T~^C. (The reason I key off of
the "0" in 1200 instead of the "T" in CONNECT is to let the Hayes settle
down a bit. The macros seem to work much better if this parameter is
|2:70000,0000}|2:pass*word} is pretty much self explanatory. The type 2
macro waits for a character and sends a string of characters. In this
case, we are waiting for the ":" in "User Id:" and sending the CIS
account number. The "}" represents a carriage return and should be
entered as such in the Alt-K macro section.
|2S^PG PCS131} is another type 2 macro. I wait for the capital S in
CompuServe and send a control P. Once again, notice that I am using the
^ symbol for the control key. Use the control key and hold down P
instead of entering the carat symbol.
The CIS ^P interrupt is used to bypass both the 1200 baud message and
the CIS-1 main menu. It is an extremely quick method for logging into
the sig. After all, these macros are designed to save CIS connect time.
Upon sending the interrupt, G PCS131 is sent. G PCS131 is an
abbreviation for GO PCS-131. If you happen to be a regular member of the
INF, substitute G PCS129 instead.
1001|20~^C|2:70000,0000}|2:pass*word}|2S^PG PCS131}|2:~
|3R|48|5RTN}}}}}OFF}|2(ascii04)~(esc)|2E~Another successful
The first portion of this macro has been explained in the previous macro.
|2:~|3R|48 waits for the ":" in "Function:". It then does a 3 second
pause pause, opens a file (type 3 macro executes a PC-TALK command), and
calls the filename from the Alt-8 position of the alt key file which was
originally defined in a PC-TALK.ALT file. It then performs a type 5
macro which sends the string "RTN". The type 5 macro has just been
added to this release of PC-TalkB. Previously you had to perform a type
2 macro and a 3 second pause to start a macro from a standstill. The
type 5 macro has eliminated the need for this.
After sending the "RTN", five carriage returns are pumped into the
buffer. This is done to skip past any "(UA RE T):" messages which are
present with marked messages waiting for you. Please keep in mind that
in order to have these macros work effectively, you need to set your sig
options (OP at the Function: prompt to non-stop (NS) and brief (BR)).
If you are an active member, you may need to enter more than 5 carriage
returns. Sysops typically have to enter at least 10 to allow them to
download without monitoring its progress. After PCTB sends its carriage
returns, the macro sends an "OFF". This simply sends an OFF at the
Function: prompt. It is very well possible that you send more carriage
returns then messages received. If this is the case, the extra returns
will be sent at the "Function:" prompt. This will not do any harm.
With all of this in mind, you now have the luxury of getting up and
making yourself a nice hot pot of coffee instead of monitoring your
thread download.
The main use (for me) of using Alt key files is to store filenames and
various ppn's. The purpose of the type 3 and 4 macro combination is to
allow you to capture a file to diskette without specifying a filename.
This is just one extra goody that Jim has provided us. Other Alt keys I
find quite helpful are cat *.*}, cat/des}, and cat/age=}. The } symbol
represents a carriage return.
The next portion |2(ascii04)~(esc) works on the Smartmodem. Whether it
works on other modems, I'm not sure. As PCTB drops comm from
CompuServe, it receives an ascii04 (looks like a solid diamond). The
(esc) key closes the capture file currently open. I have used this as
the character I key off of. I am however relying that the fellow
members of this sig do not enter this charac- ter in any of their
messages. If such is the case, the macro will end prematurely.
NOTE 1: ascii04 must be entered by holding down the Alt key and
pressing "04" (without quotes) on the numeric keypad. (Prokey
must be de-activated)
NOTE 2: Waiting for unusual ascii characters such as ascii04 has
unpredictable results with certain versions of Sidekick.
Finally the last portion of the macro is my dry sense of humor. I was so
happy getting the macro to work consistently, I added the message
"Another successful download!!!". This message is keyed off of the
"E" in "NO CARRIER". To each his own <grin>. You'll like the
tune it plays at the end of the macro!!!
|5DOW |2(ascii31)/PROT:CAPTURE/TYP:ASCII}|2(ascii18)~|3R|2(ascii20)~(esc)
This macro is used for capturing ascii text files or basic files stored
in ascii. Make sure you are at the DLn: prompt before executing this
|5DOW |2(ascii31) - The macro begins with the newly added type 5 macro.
As mentioned before, a type 5 is used to start a macro from a dead
standstill, i.e. at a "DLn" or "Function:" prompt. This portion of the
macro then waits for ascii31. Ascii 31, as Jim describes in the manual,
is used for variable input fields. PCTB will wait for something which
it will never receive. Thus you may then enter a variable length field
and have the macro continue by entering the { symbol. In case you
forget to enter this symbol, PCTB will remind you that you have this
option available to you on line 25 of your screen.
/PROT:CAPTURE/TYP:ASCII} is the syntax used for downloading ascii files
in the capture mode. Note that if you try downloading a binary file
with this method, you will receive it in Intel hex. You will then need
CVTBIN.COM to convert it.
|2(ascii18}~|3R will have PCTB wait for ascii18 which is what CIS gives
you to key off of to begin your capture. Thus PCTB will catch the
ascii18, pause for 3 seconds and open a file. You must then specify the
filename you wish to name it. I suppose you could call the filename
from a type 4 macro and call it something like temp and rename it, but I
decided against it for the reason that you may forget to rename the file
after you receive it.
NOTE: ascii18 looks like a twin sided arrowhead in terminal mode and a
"R" in the Alt-K section. |2(ascii20}~(esc) will find the
symbol, pause and then close the file. Pacing is necessary for
opening and closing the files to prevent PCTB from term- inating
the macro in progress. You now have downloaded an ascii file
quickly and painlessly!
NOTE: ascii20 looks like a paragraph symbol in terminal mode and a "T"
in the Alt-K section.
This macro operates in the same fashion as the above macro; the
exception being that this downloading method is for binary files.
Binary files include exe, com, lbr, and dqc files. Basically, anything
which is not a straight ascii file should be downloaded in binary. The
advantage of an xmodem down- load is that a "hit" is not as likely to
interrupt your download. I'm sure that a lot of you have downloaded hex
files in ascii, only to have a "hit" destroy everything.
Please note that this macro is not as automatic as the previous one.
Once you receive the "Starting xmodem transfer..." message, you must
physically open the file (Alt-R) and specify its filename. Fortunately,
PCTB will automat- ically close it for you upon completion. Upon
receiving the "eof verified" message, hit the carriage return once to
bring you back to the DL prompt.
Hopefully, this will give you some insight to design macros for your own
personal use. Please note that I do not guarantee the accuracy of these
macros and do not accept responsibility should these macros get you
blown off of the system. They consistently work for me. My equipment
includes an IBM PC w/ 640K, hard disk and a Hayes Smartmodem 1200.
I am accessing CIS through a direct node. I'm not quite certain of the
results through a network. Should these macros work on other systems, I
would be very happy if you could let either me or one of the Sysops
know. Enjoy...
Bryan Tsunoda